A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

Data URL to image

Convert data URL to image using a free online tool which is able to automatically extract data URI images from text and display them as images. For each image, some basic information is shown and of course, the image itself is displayed. Also there is a special link to download the image.

Please note that this tool can extract data URI images that are encoded to Base64. Also, it can extract SVG images encoded to percent-encoding (URL encoding). If it misses any format, please let me know.

Comments (27)

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  • Eddie,
    This site is awesome! Great work!
    If I profit as a result of this site, I will certainly donate!
    • Administrator,
      Hey, Eddie! Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that you find this site useful.
      • ERTETRET,
  • m0dep0wer,
    " style="outline: rgb(255, 80, 80) solid 1px; background-color: rgba(4, 174, 198, 0.3); box-shadow: rgb(4, 174, 198) 0px 0px 20px 0px !important;"

    is there anyways i can get the hiding image or text? texting out vuls on insurance sites that displays last 4digits of Dl and hides the rest..

    • Carson,
      Bro if you don't know anything about security, read up on how to spot a vulnerability first. Chances are they aren't storing anything sensitive in Base64, everyone (especially these days in 2022 [even in 2020 when you originally posted that comment too]) knows it's not an encryption method and can easily be reversed by a COMPLETE noob.. I knew this as an 11 year old 1-2 years after I started teaching myself programming, if not EXTREMELY LONG WELL before then.. My advice if you are trying to learn to hack, get a book and learn to code FIRST. Second, learn how the HTTP Protocol works (there are books on this too that explain it really well, but I'm sure you can find videos on YouTube that explain just as much as the books I am referring to, as well as websites with text and picture based explanations). Third, get another book on Exploiting Web Applications, and learn how to SPOT web vulnerabilities and exploit them (they are the easiest to learn).

      And by the way I just realized I wasted my time typing this. That Data URL link with the Base64 in it was just a picture of a geolocation icon. No private data was even stored in the XML of the SVG either. :| Bro you ain't "testing" any vulnerabilities considering you don't know what a vulnerability is in the first place. Words to live by my friend! ?????
      • Administrator,
        Hey Carson!
        Thank you for your message. By and large, I like it, except for some little things. I edited it a bit to make it look more friendly and I hope you don't mind it. Otherwise, please email me and let me explain why I did it.
  • Subscribe,
    This site is awesome! Thank you!
      __  __
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    • sad,

  • TomB,
    Super useful, saved me hours of work finding problems with html2canvas.
  • abc,
    Good job!!!!!
  • Macdonald,
    Ha this guy is simply superb. Helped me manage to display base64 into an image file efficiently and with easy. Had spend a week looking or a solution
  • Alan,
    I've got an epub which has hundreds of inline images coded b64. I want to convert these to separate images. I can open it as xhtml in a web browser and save each image as an image file manually, but there are a lot of them. Is there a way to extract them all at once? I looked at the browser caches, but they don't appear to be there.

    <img alt="Code Break" src="" id="27605"/>

    I can extract the b64 to the file "Code_Break.gif" (using the "alt" description to make the filename, as this seems to be unique) and make the code
    <img alt="Code Break" src="../Images/Code_Break.gif" id="27605"/>
    I guess could also use the "id" as the name, less user friendly but also unique.
    • Administrator,
      Hello Alan! If I understand correctly, you want to extract Base64 values and save them as images/files into a directory? If so, then you need to develop a parser using any programming language that allows file manipulation.
  • SW5mc3RlZE5leHVz,
    If someone were to create a page like this, but it was reached via a URL like https://base64.guru/tools/data-url-to-image/(Image → Base64 → Percent-encoding) eg;


    and the loaded page automatically did Percent-decoding → Base64 → Image to display the image, it could be a very useful utility.
  • nqhXncMU,
    -5 OR 530=(SELECT 530 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • nqhXncMU,
  • gBqsPxAZ,
  • gBqsPxAZ,
    SW5HK1wl'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • nqhXncMU,
    -1 OR 3+46-46-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • nqhXncMU,
    -1)) OR 383=(SELECT 383 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • ncMUFCMU,
  • ncMUFCMU,
    frRaZU5e') OR 799=(SELECT 799 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • ncMUFCMU,
  • ncMUFCMU,
  • ncMUFCMU,
    -1' OR 3+171-171-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • Margery,
    Tu blog es un recordatorio constante de que aprender puede ser emocionante y enriquecedor.
    La forma en que presentas la información hace que la búsqueda de conocimiento sea un verdadero placer.
    ¡Gracias por hacerlo tan divertido! pistola de calor makita 18v -
    sierra fina japonesa
  • testing,
     This is my code 
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