A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

Hex to Base64

The “Hex to Base64” converter is a smart tool which is able to convert online Hex values to Base64 strings. I call him “smart” because it accepts several written representations of hexadecimal values. The conversion process is quite simple: the converter decodes the Hex value into the original data, then encodes it to Base64 and gives you the final result almost instantly. If you are looking for the reverse process, check Base64 to Hex.

How to convert Hex to Base64

  1. Type or paste your hexadecimal value into the “Hex” field.
  2. Press the “Convert Hex to Base64” button.
  3. Download or copy the result from the “Base64” field.
Comments (40)

I hope you enjoy this discussion. In any case, I ask you to join it.

  • Abdelrahman,
    Could you please send me code of converting string (hexa) to base 64 ?
    • Jana,

      """Convert Hex string to Base64"""
      import base64

      HEX_STRING = '49276d206b696c6c696e6720796f757220627261696e206c696b65206120706f69736f6e6f7573206d757368726f6f6d'

      BYTE_ARRAY = bytearray.fromhex(HEX_STRING)
      BASE64_VAL = base64.b64encode(BYTE_ARRAY)
      • peter,
        Really helpful description! Thank You!!!
  • HamdiHameedo,
    What is this please help....

    How decode

    • Michael,
      It’s wrong
    • janka,
      This is Base64, and it is binary data. Bese64 to Hex of your string is:
  • michael,
    Please can you decode this into readable english.
    • Marek,
      This is not text, so it cannot be converted to something readable without knowing how to read that.
    • Coarse,

      Ua N +C#I
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      'I, h 2NI!I T( L-HS Eh

      EA ,U5AN-R;
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      D= R0SS-D d(P:EO

      EKffc&O.A8CN1E< COI/L
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      ALA: N=Se/IN5Eo
      5 Po-,SaS7R,<nN$C=T 6Ht ,R$N*O8
      E8B T.N%LN^ I,Th; BaH*D LBF  Dt"I< a
      I=LE%LE7 F' ..
      NTKSt YiE&  a
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      S5U *P  HE.*.L
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      N1E< TOI5 L2FA0E?L'E/dS*E. Rt AW&^Y-D 3O+HET
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      -; T4 $ O'*'D/1O<D2RT)LI8AV, E)  OU/YtTU'A> D 2NT=
      C3 ^bk#H&SW!D 
      ET O% S*


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      ਌䜙฀఍཈㴆ј+ʼn␅അଚⴗ+ă䔕ᭅ╌๙理บ䕩᱔‌ᙄᄆ ࠄ乾㭕㌅ɇ硈ᔜ䕩ṁ㰁ĉК⠍䤮੅䄚଀ㄅ͎ㄍፔ伯協‌ଖ⠍䄣䐆伙ὕ㔉Ḁ✋ࠑ个ᘀ⤇nМ㔇䘦܌䄘佉⼘ौ㠁ؑ个ᘎ䉣渥ं愁䙯ဍ䔇਀⠂ੌℍ༗䔺午ⴅDᘙ‗ ሀ剔ᭈ⑌དྷㄉᔝ伧协⹉㌖Ї㔆ᘜ倀S浌๕⁈༛丬祍✛ńᘁ愚䠮੅䤀ᰀ⼍Ņ✉਑౩݈ⵉ⼖ᰞ㔁卯㜆唘ὔ㐞ऎ琫጑䄽ᙄ栋ᵄ␃␜䤬ԋᵔ⠟ᠪḁ౔猨ᵂ✛ੈ䔚⤋ᘜ倀S愿ཕ㠘ᔁ刬卉㭉ࠋ؏㔋䑯ଋ�݅愋ṏ℆ԇ&ᔀ㰁ń☋⼚刮࡯椚ᭅⴀՇㄆȑᑅ☊ᵄ䴭࠯९ഋ"ْ★ɉ㕄䄡บ嵡桄䐅ଊ愜䔢Ԍ万何⼟͌∍Ք否協 ᝮď㡀⩅渣伆佄␏ൄㄛ䵔吡ᙒⵉఅጋ愌䔪੅圜ٓㄉṓ琇ݔ爦Ὄ㭄㘋ᰍ⑉卯ऊ君ᴀ∍ṓ琘ക夠ᵇ栈渇�㔜䄣䐗优਀⠂䱓㬅є伯午ℚဋ᜗昝"ଖ呔ౌ ࡅ✜ࠚ䕩ṏ┌ਐᙀ愥制ᐑ伇佷㌍Ք㱈䴺祔❉Ĝᄋ⼊;ఌ協Ł㌞ൔ㴞є䄧ᜀⴚစ܂⠝䡯഑匑͆愍ἀ㕈ఛ䐬Ŏ栅ă�╕ ਀ݏ㈉晍ⴛᔑ到南℅ࡄᜋⰏ䤡䐖佔ᩎ㔅�㕈ᘛ刽᭙栄ഊŎㄜ䔼ċ吇佉㔟ौ㉆䄰䔿ᙌ✙Ā䔇⽤匪ܗ䔗ᘀ⸚॒琉䄀圦幙ⴈᙄᔋ㌇伫䡅吜਀∃Lㄋᔝ伧协⹉兔䔍“卯ഖĀ⤃Ł㌍䄀佩ቌ④ဌК愇卯܊丗ੁⴉࠎ琥ᐘ吠͌ⵉ܍ᔆ␜卯ࠌ嘑佉⽌ൎえ似ᵄ栌ԇൎ∏剣䐄丐佁㌉晅㨋ግ倽ᙄ栞ഐൎ∁䐪䐀堗͕㈅ᩅ㠑䄐䔿ᙌ✙Ā䔏㕎朠ଁ圛D浌ᡈㅈ⤛䴬协⹉㘋ं㉃爠ᴆ䕚敯⼀ᔀ㈁ᜑ ᵄ℟ഀဏⴝ&੅䔌ٓ㔉Ƀㅈȁ刻ᙎ㰅ᵄഏ㜋.܆䔇ᰀ㔃䱔㰍䄟䔰千㨀ٮ䡎⠀䌣ᄁ䤚ࠀ㔄ऀ」ም䜧ᙒ㭉ԊŎ␀䜦਀䔆ᰀ㔄्✍ം䔺崀इD਀ⴗ;ఀᩔ㐞ऀ␉ᔆ伧*✏䐯᜗ㄚ似䐲刕ٔ⥌ᭉ㠄䄑嘬Ā ሁ䔚⤋ ᐕ伆᭕⼅ᡙ琜๔唧Ł㸌ࡄచ㉎吽ᄀ੃㌉᠎幢欣䠦南℅ࡄ؜‍䭯ဍ䕔౏┉匪

      So um yeah, it isn't a thing.
  • FES,
  • Joseph_1,
    Hello I need to decode this, I need to find the flag message:

    4e 57 45 67 4e 6d 51 67 4e 7a 67 67 4e 6a 67 67 4e 57 45 67 4e 7a 6b 67 4d 7a 45 67 4d 7a 63 67 4e 6a 51 67 4e 44 63 67 4e 6a 63 67 4e 7a 67 67 4e 6a 4d 67 4d 7a 45 67 4d 7a 67 67 4e 7a 63 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 6d 51 67 4e 54 59 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 47 51 67 4e 54 67 67 4e 47 55 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 44 63 67 4e 44 59 67 4e 7a 6b 67 4e 57 45 67 4e 44 51 67 4e 47 55 67 4e 7a 6b 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 54 45 67 4d 32 51 67 4d 32 51 3d
    • Coarse,
      Decoded into UTF-8:


      Looks like Base64, so I decoded even further:

      5a 6d 78 68 5a 79 31 37 64 47 67 78 63 31 38 77 62 6d 56 66 4d 58 4e 66 61 47 46 79 5a 44 4e 79 66 51 3d 3d

      Thank you DeEncoder, very useful.

      Hex to UTF-8:


      This is so dumb.

      Base64 to Utf-8:


      There you go, there is your flag :/
  • Rafaela,
    Can you send me the php code pls
    I have hex code: Bc070a9e
    I should have an output : vAcKng==
  • pavani,
    help me with this conversion, please
    is this a meaningful one

    <0xfa>L<0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00>0<0x87>S`<0xdf><0x99>S`<0xaa>U<0x01><0x00><0x04><0xfa>L<0x00><0x00><0x02><0x00><0x08>we031806<0x03><0x00><0x03>   <0x04><0x00><0x04>?<0x13><0x00><0x00><0x05><0x00><0x04><0xc6>fS`<0x06><0x00><0x04>0<0x87>S`<0x12><0x00><0x04>0<0x87>S`<0x07><0x00><0x01><0x00><0x08><0x00><0x01><0x03><0x09><0x00><0x02><<0xa4><0x0a><0x00><0x02>f<0x0b><0x0b><0x00><0x02>P<0x00><0x00><0x00><0x00><0xbe>|
    • 1359-03,
      کسی فایل آموزش رادار کشتی رو داره
  • Y4no,
    Can anyone help me with this Hexa string?


    What could it be?

  • find,
    Uint8Array(256) [176, 175, 70, 205, 55, 189, 151, 119, 87, 146, 20, 19, 18, 92, 255, 33, 133, 195, 6, 114, 179, 26, 202, 103, 57, 227, 165, 224, 40, 176, 17, 98, 172, 174, 201, 209, 32, 76, 241, 255, 28, 177, 63, 180, 168, 10, 126, 26, 132, 252, 251, 149, 43, 227, 47, 25, 136, 216, 58, 87, 42, 6, 200, 13, 202, 142, 210, 158, 18, 53, 100, 254, 2, 97, 55, 190, 133, 162, 87, 91, 168, 230, 95, 189, 12, 227, 50, 245, 36, 152, 225, 57, 230, 159, 81, 122, 225, 84, 15, 28, …]

    help ,
  • Kaskara,
    Can you decode this please:

  • Majed,
    Could you please send me code of converting string (hexa) to base 64 ?
    I am using the Visual Basic 6 programming language and tried many times, but I did not succeed in completing the work correctly !!

    I am using TLV way

    Thanks a lot
  • Steven,
    @info@base64.guru trying to convert a 50-character BASE58 to Base64 with 64 characters. When using your site, I get an internal server error. Sorry, your stuff is broken. 0045559D39C86EAB6E00D3D3165BA230FFD9085A042BBF50BC
  • Ankit,
    Can someone help me with the java code equivalent to this hex to base64 conversion.
    trying to convert 0xFC303F0001BD3A0FBF00FFF00506FEC72F595300290227435545490052AEF67FFF0000526F1D0C1144495343425350544C543630413030374834010100008D368EE1
    but failing with some decode exception.
  • mohamed,
    thank you vey match..................
  • Alobaby,


    how can i that hex decode?
    i want to know, how can i that to organise?
  • hacker,
    Can this decode my life?
    • Evzen,
      Yes, you have to decode this HACKER3HAS3NO3LIFE0=.
      Results into 1c008a111dc7012dcd3b72c8144d which is not a prime so you are gay.
  • John,
    Do you recognise the following?

  • matchi,
    can someone help find out what's the relation between these 2 codes
    ' 8uOkXWWlEhQrFbDrtN9Raw== '
    ' 5155641424 '
  • bosslibra,
    I understand how btoa() works, but I'm failing to understand how the hex string is accepted. For example if I want to encode the hex string "4a1b48d7322394a78326cd283f0834093e65421a7e98e90e5b452d160b5d07d8" your program returns "ShtI1zIjlKeDJs0oPwg0CT5lQhp+mOkOW0UtFgtdB9g=", but I am unable to replicate the result with my own code. How would you do it in Javascript?
    • Administrator,
      Hi! Please note that this is a Hex to Base64 converter (that is, it decodes the Hex value into the original data, then encodes it to Base64). I'm not not sure, but I suppose you get different results because you are converting Hex string directly to Base64, without decoding it to original data.
  • X68,
    Convert this hexidecimal (3b03) to base64 to get a suprise
  • Starla,
    I'm just learning about Al this but I have cancer and have chemo brain so it's hard for me. I just would like to know how to figure this out to see what it is

  • Luiz,
    To everyone with issues, just put "0x" on the start of the hex code, for some reason the website doesn't get it without it, like: instead of FA1416CA write 0xFA1416CA.
  • Chris,
    ``ca8bbeb21a2e95dd67b7e85abdefeda2e72179dfad85ab75d7``` pls
  • Help,
    Please help? I know nothing and i would like to so if this is something that is able to be converted into somethjng i can read or look at please let mebknow what and then please tell me how

    17 03 03 03 27 21 aa eb 82 ce 12 05 ba 05 75 0d ....'!........u.
    47 ed 79 20 80 31 c5 57 ae e7 5e 4c 56 05 c3 af G.y .1.W..^LV...
    b4 df dc bd 3b 44 98 20 c6 e4 0f 47 a8 30 53 5d ....;D. ...G.0S]
    b4 63 bc f3 58 c9 aa 50 ad d3 e7 f2 f8 51 4d d2 .c..X..P.....QM.
    3d ba 14 c3 89 b8 6d 39 61 c4 53 60 16 2f 34 45 =.....m9a.S`./4E
    61 8b 01 d6 38 bf 8a f5 50 8f 60 01 c4 6b 0c 3b a...8...P.`..k.;
    25 5c 3c b9 49 23 78 db 5d 09 5e ad f5 70 50 cd %\<.I#x.].^..pP.
    63 af eb 62 a7 c0 88 ce 77 66 b3 73 14 28 b0 6c c..b....wf.s.(.l
    03 aa 4a d6 b4 01 9c b4 fd 56 27 96 85 10 2b f5 ..J......V'...+.
    8d 0f f1 0d f3 dc 89 ac df 09 4d de 2e a3 1e f9 ..........M.....
    5f 65 71 63 f0 c9 f3 5d 11 bb d6 9e a5 5a 2b 47 _eqc...].....Z+G
    b3 84 d2 c3 5a 09 5b fb 41 5a 52 a2 18 65 0a 6d ....Z.[.AZR..e.m
    86 32 fc f5 97 7e 0f d6 bf d7 7d 0d 1d 3e 4b 98 .2...~....}..>K.
    ca 61 dc a9 06 2d 0e 5f d0 53 1d 58 c6 18 73 3e .a...-._.S.X..s>
    60 0a 83 95 70 9f 7f f4 7f df 49 62 c8 47 0a 8c `...p.....Ib.G..
    10 34 4b 43 d9 95 07 fd a8 0b 5f d9 4d 71 51 e9 .4KC......_.MqQ.
    c7 01 cd 06 63 df bf ec 59 70 15 f6 15 a2 af fa ....c...Yp......
    76 7c 18 30 fc c9 fb 5b 28 8b 67 a4 3a fc 1c 14 v|.0...[(.g.:...
    6a cd 29 70 43 7e 3f a6 3e 89 2f 4e 7c 3b 61 cd j.)pC~?.>./N|;a.
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    07 09 a4 f1 7c 25 35 ce 97 5a fd f3 0c 81 bc d2 ....|%5..Z......
    22 c8 80 92 ed c2 ee 05 3d d3 05 e8 ba 33 e8 f8 ".......=....3..
    a6 1d 8b 66 cb 4a 61 95 ac cb a5 01 7b f5 af ea ...f.Ja.....{...
    36 8f 07 e9 38 93 79 43 8b c6 15 18 e1 4d 9c cc 6...8.yC.....M..
    eb 2b ce 0f 7d cd 46 e5 b6 55 dc 41 d2 42 4e bd .+..}.F..U.A.BN.
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    7a bb 4d 45 1d 0a 58 d0 cf fc 95 4f 33 4b 68 77 z.ME..X....O3Khw
    70 b3 92 f7 5a 23 a5 52 48 b5 6a 55 02 99 8e b1 p...Z#.RH.jU....
    9b e1 22 57 85 a9 ea dd 28 de bd ca 9d 67 f3 f0 .."W....(....g..
    fa 8f 4c 62 d2 22 52 3a c7 b1 eb f6 e0 33 de 09 ..Lb."R:.....3..
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    b3 80 80 30 fd b5 9a af 8b 15 09 97 d6 77 61 55 ...0.........waU
    25 46 00 06 e0 32 1e 48 99 ed 98 f8 8a ab f8 a2 %F...2.H........
    dc 89 f4 04 bf 61 e1 a1 e3 3f c9 35 f0 ce 17 9e .....a...?.5....
    7b 3d 5a 27 25 57 99 6f ae 72 81 b6 64 c5 81 1f {=Z'%W.o.r..d...
    76 a4 7b 21 b1 93 45 42 b8 f6 8a 67 b5 7d c1 2f v.{!..EB...g.}./
    93 78 c5 28 bb c3 50 3f 11 15 f3 3b cb 1c 17 40 .x.(..P?...;...@
    a6 57 e4 ef 9a 9b 7b dc 07 46 f5 5c ac 78 f8 65 .W....{..F.\.x.e
    5e b2 85 23 8c c5 45 83 7e b8 2e d7 fe 89 60 bb ^..#..E.~.....`.
    1d 30 1b c8 88 aa 51 2f 48 54 ff 46 2b 9e 17 a3 .0....Q/HT.F+...
    80 b2 ce 4b ed bc 19 e8 60 3b 16 9b 18 a1 77 60 ...K....`;....w`
    98 fa 7d 5b bb e6 d2 c1 0f aa 0b ac 09 7a f7 f0 ..}[.........z..
    32 fe 9a 1c d2 cb 89 9e 94 74 6f f8 3f 12 ef 78 2........to.?..x
    d8 56 3d c9 10 44 94 26 f2 4b 3f 84 a3 01 e8 e5 .V=..D.&.K?.....
    89 86 a5 03 cd 04 99 db 01 27 2b 65 0b a0 87 5e .........'+e...^
    8c 96 e0 d7 d7 39 90 b0 80 38 f1 e8 e6 ae d3 45 .....9...8.....E
    f3 0e 2c 15 48 66 02 ce bc 61 25 0c ..,.Hf...a%.

    Or this, same as above just different for some reason.....

    G�y �1�W��^LVï��ܽ;D� ��G�0S]�c��XɪP�����QM�=�É�m9a�S`/4Ea��8���P�`�k ;%\<�I#x�] ^��pP�c��b����wf�s(�l�Jִ���V'��+���
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  • nqhXncMU,
    NGpMxS9I'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • nqhXncMU,
    -5 OR 308=(SELECT 308 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • nqhXncMU,
    -1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • CG3000,
    17 03 03 03 27 21 aa eb 82 ce 12 05 ba 05 75 0d ....'!........u.
    47 ed 79 20 80 31 c5 57 ae e7 5e 4c 56 05 c3 af G.y .1.W..^LV...
    b4 df dc bd 3b 44 98 20 c6 e4 0f 47 a8 30 53 5d ....;D. ...G.0S]
    b4 63 bc f3 58 c9 aa 50 ad d3 e7 f2 f8 51 4d d2 .c..X..P.....QM.
    3d ba 14 c3 89 b8 6d 39 61 c4 53 60 16 2f 34 45 =.....m9a.S`./4E
    61 8b 01 d6 38 bf 8a f5 50 8f 60 01 c4 6b 0c 3b a...8...P.`..k.;
    25 5c 3c b9 49 23 78 db 5d 09 5e ad f5 70 50 cd %\<.I#x.].^..pP.
    63 af eb 62 a7 c0 88 ce 77 66 b3 73 14 28 b0 6c c..b....wf.s.(.l
    03 aa 4a d6 b4 01 9c b4 fd 56 27 96 85 10 2b f5 ..J......V'...+.
    8d 0f f1 0d f3 dc 89 ac df 09 4d de 2e a3 1e f9 ..........M.....
    5f 65 71 63 f0 c9 f3 5d 11 bb d6 9e a5 5a 2b 47 _eqc...].....Z+G
    b3 84 d2 c3 5a 09 5b fb 41 5a 52 a2 18 65 0a 6d ....Z.[.AZR..e.m
    86 32 fc f5 97 7e 0f d6 bf d7 7d 0d 1d 3e 4b 98 .2...~....}..>K.
    ca 61 dc a9 06 2d 0e 5f d0 53 1d 58 c6 18 73 3e .a...-._.S.X..s>
    60 0a 83 95 70 9f 7f f4 7f df 49 62 c8 47 0a 8c `...p.....Ib.G..
    10 34 4b 43 d9 95 07 fd a8 0b 5f d9 4d 71 51 e9 .4KC......_.MqQ.
    c7 01 cd 06 63 df bf ec 59 70 15 f6 15 a2 af fa ....c...Yp......
    76 7c 18 30 fc c9 fb 5b 28 8b 67 a4 3a fc 1c 14 v|.0...[(.g.:...
    6a cd 29 70 43 7e 3f a6 3e 89 2f 4e 7c 3b 61 cd j.)pC~?.>./N|;a.
    dd 7b 6e 1f e3 68 95 fa 68 73 dc f7 64 5f 6c 54 .{n..h..hs..d_lT
    07 09 a4 f1 7c 25 35 ce 97 5a fd f3 0c 81 bc d2 ....|%5..Z......
    22 c8 80 92 ed c2 ee 05 3d d3 05 e8 ba 33 e8 f8 ".......=....3..
    a6 1d 8b 66 cb 4a 61 95 ac cb a5 01 7b f5 af ea ...f.Ja.....{...
    36 8f 07 e9 38 93 79 43 8b c6 15 18 e1 4d 9c cc 6...8.yC.....M..
    eb 2b ce 0f 7d cd 46 e5 b6 55 dc 41 d2 42 4e bd .+..}.F..U.A.BN.
    ae de 15 3e 7c 3d 56 99 c4 68 19 e1 4e ca 2d 0e ...>|=V..h..N.-.
    d4 96 52 b3 84 ae b0 8d 6d 15 30 41 6d 5b 50 22 ..R.....m.0Am[P"
    70 0e 6c a3 be 31 f3 28 0f 66 13 41 7e a6 a9 40 p.l..1.(.f.A~..@
    78 61 d0 01 2a 34 81 b7 8f e9 7f ae 50 b5 0e 15 xa..*4......P...
    08 5b 22 0e e6 99 63 f2 25 a2 d2 db 9f 7f e1 00 .["...c.%.......
    7a bb 4d 45 1d 0a 58 d0 cf fc 95 4f 33 4b 68 77 z.ME..X....O3Khw
    70 b3 92 f7 5a 23 a5 52 48 b5 6a 55 02 99 8e b1 p...Z#.RH.jU....
    9b e1 22 57 85 a9 ea dd 28 de bd ca 9d 67 f3 f0 .."W....(....g..
    fa 8f 4c 62 d2 22 52 3a c7 b1 eb f6 e0 33 de 09 ..Lb."R:.....3..
    1e 9b 07 a4 98 9c 91 12 b3 81 73 44 2c 70 46 5b ..........sD,pF[
    b3 80 80 30 fd b5 9a af 8b 15 09 97 d6 77 61 55 ...0.........waU
    25 46 00 06 e0 32 1e 48 99 ed 98 f8 8a ab f8 a2 %F...2.H........
    dc 89 f4 04 bf 61 e1 a1 e3 3f c9 35 f0 ce 17 9e .....a...?.5....
    7b 3d 5a 27 25 57 99 6f ae 72 81 b6 64 c5 81 1f {=Z'%W.o.r..d...
    76 a4 7b 21 b1 93 45 42 b8 f6 8a 67 b5 7d c1 2f v.{!..EB...g.}./
    93 78 c5 28 bb c3 50 3f 11 15 f3 3b cb 1c 17 40 .x.(..P?...;...@
    a6 57 e4 ef 9a 9b 7b dc 07 46 f5 5c ac 78 f8 65 .W....{..F.\.x.e
    5e b2 85 23 8c c5 45 83 7e b8 2e d7 fe 89 60 bb ^..#..E.~.....`.
    1d 30 1b c8 88 aa 51 2f 48 54 ff 46 2b 9e 17 a3 .0....Q/HT.F+...
    80 b2 ce 4b ed bc 19 e8 60 3b 16 9b 18 a1 77 60 ...K....`;....w`
    98 fa 7d 5b bb e6 d2 c1 0f aa 0b ac 09 7a f7 f0 ..}[.........z..
    32 fe 9a 1c d2 cb 89 9e 94 74 6f f8 3f 12 ef 78 2........to.?..x
    d8 56 3d c9 10 44 94 26 f2 4b 3f 84 a3 01 e8 e5 .V=..D.&.K?.....
    89 86 a5 03 cd 04 99 db 01 27 2b 65 0b a0 87 5e .........'+e...^
    8c 96 e0 d7 d7 39 90 b0 80 38 f1 e8 e6 ae d3 45 .....9...8.....E
    f3 0e 2c 15 48 66 02 ce bc 61 25 0c ..,.Hf...a%.
  • CG3000,
    $sourceString = Get-Content -Path $file.Fullname -raw
    $arB = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( $sourceString )
    [System.Convert]::ToBase64String( $arB );
  • Hassan,
    Can anyone help me decode this

    Above 128 Hex are made from key "E4-B9-7A-4B-F7-AB"
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