Base64 Encode
The “Base64 Encode Online” tool is a free encoder that converts to Base64 any text, local files, or remote files (URL). Also known as a binary to text converter. It’s like a Swiss army knife that allows you to choose the output format, Base64 standard, and character encoding. In addition, you can copy the Base64 string to the clipboard or download it as text file with one click. If you are looking for the reverse process, check Base64 decode.
Additional encoders
There are also some additional Base64 encoders that specialize in the encoding of a particular data type:
Comments (27)
I hope you enjoy this discussion. In any case, I ask you to join it.
Thank you for your comment. Special for you I published a simple Base64 converter developed with HTML and JavaScript. It is just one HTML file and you can run it offline. Feel free to adapt it to your needs.
As for your concerns, I fully understand you. Of course, I would like you to trust me, but in fact the only guarantee is my honest word and the secure connection between you and this server. However, I do not recommend anyone send sensitive data to a third-party server.
By the way, I chose to create a server side converter, because a client side converter will experience limitations and performance issues at least when decoding or encoding large values, Unicode characters, and remote files. In addition, developing code for a single stable server is much simpler than supporting dozens of browsers.
What does these signs mean.I suppose these are not only IDs for Members but for locating the place/town
.Like if we send file to the url we need to get the encoded string in response....
Is that type of service is available on internet?
I was trying to encode a font to use in a CSS file, and although this encoder successfully converted it with the data URI, the font did not work on the page. I got this error:
"Failed to decode downloaded font: data:/;base64,..."
"OTS parsing error: invalid sfntVersion: 1854341632"
The font was an .eot file from font awesome. Any idea how to make it work?
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