Base64 Converter
The Base64 online converter supports both functions of the algorithm on same page. If you need to encode a text to Base64, fill in the “Text” field and press “Encode text to Base64” — the result will appear in the “Base64” field. Otherwise, if you have a Base64 string, paste it into the “Base64” field and press “Decode Base64 to text” — the result will appear in the “Text” field.
About Base64 online converter
Please note that this Base64 converter supports only “main standard” and decodes the data in strict mode. Perhaps this option does not suit your needs, and you want to encode text or decode Base64 using other variations of this algorithm. If so, please check the following online convertors. They are also simple and free, but they are sharpened for certain tasks.
I hope that I managed to develop all the necessary converters that meet your needs. Nevertheless, if you’re missing some Base64 encoding or decoding features, please let me know.
What is a Base64 Translator?
It may seem funny, but some people call the “Base64 converter” a “Base64 translator”. Well, by and large, it really “translates” the text into another form. However, from a technical point of view, this process is called “conversation”, therefore, never call it a “Base64 translator”. And since we are talking about terms, remember that the conversation of text to Base64 is called “encoding” and the reverse process is called “decoding”. In no case it should not be confused with “encryption” and “decryption” which are used to protect data, while Base64 doesn’t offer any protection.
Comments (92)
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I need a server coad for this has coad
Will it be deleted after a certain amount of time?
Btw: Great site, I really love it..
However, if your data is classified as top secret, I would not recommend sending it to a third party server, even if you trust it.
just sends a request to the Data URIdata:application/octet-stream;base64
in order to provide a solution for browsers that cannot handleArrayBuffer
downloads. Can you explain please why you think this is suspicious?plz solve my problem
Thanks for your help and share knowledge. It help us a lot.
also, if I encode, it turns into i-dont-even-know, there is no way you got this with an algorithimic bot.
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Alot of the disscusions are with the same one,unfortunately for them,SQL Inject can't work for comments bc the comments don't understand code,that has to be added by admin to the website,also,they could just be trying to inject sound into there name as that was mantioned at one point before in one of the disscisions around here,so not a suprise tbh,besides,theres been worse posted here,most notably a powershell.exe(malware?),so yeah...,bunch of user id's too,and a chunk of data for someone with a discord ascii/html art link with a bunch of info about a person somewhere in the dynamic decoder section,not to mention a case-sensitivity obfuscated url logo of the aspor yt channel that got encoded at some point,alot of stuff,but still plenty of things that haven't been dealt with yet oc