A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

Base64 to Audio

Convert Base64 to Audio online using a free decoder tool which allows you to decode Base64 as sound file and play it directly in the browser. In addition, you will receive some basic information about this audio file (duration, MIME type, extension, size). And, of course, you will have a special link to download the audio file to your device. If you are looking for the reverse process, check Audio to Base64.

How to convert Base64 to Audio

  1. Paste your string in the “Base64” field.
  2. Press the “Decode Base64 to Audio” button.
  3. Click on the filename link to download the audio file.
Comments (48)

I hope you enjoy this discussion. In any case, I ask you to join it.

  • Vinay,
    HI I want it to be converted
    • Emi,
      To Islam? or Judaism?
      • onurq,
        Emi, I burst out a big laugh
      • ibad,
        Islam will be great.
        • Shitty_religion,
          Stfu no one wants to join this mental disease
          • Hey,
            idc if you dont want to listen to this...this is just people being people,if you cant handle that,then why are you even religous?,im sure jesus wouldnt like that and consider it a sin
    • asfddddddddddddd,
    • Luca,
      Ok. Wololo
  • Riley,
    How are you decoding base64 into ogg? I thought it wasn't possible to decode ogg files from base64 , especially on Google Chrome.
    • Administrator,
      The Base64 algorithm has no restrictions on what kind of data it can encode or decode. If you need to decode OGG files on client-side, you need to use the atob function.
  • Andrei,
    • Administrator,
      I'm not sure, but I don't think your data is an audio file. Perhaps it is a spectrogram (acoustic fingerprint) and this is why you cannot get the original audio input.

      By the way, your string contains a \u003d which seems to be a Unicode escape sequence and it cannot be part of a Base64 string. So, make sure you are trying to decode the right string.
    • Hey,
      I belive that this is a special file that shazam only can understand,spotify has a similar thing with host.bnk files and other file types,if your after music like that,try searching alternative places for the music and if need be record the audio to a .wav file type while on google and convert to mp3 later for the music size to go down,only ways to fix the issue here bud
  • Syberam,
    Hello, I would like to know wich language you used for this tools and if the project is repositoried somewhere.
    I try to decode a base64 string from mp3 with a python (2.7 can't use an other version :( ) piece of code but my file is unreadable after generated with my code, (but with yu tool it is working very well)
  • fghgfs,
    It is not working!
    Cannot decode Base64 value. Try to use the Base64 decoder, which is able to decode various standards.
  • LeoRoy61,

    4e 54 41 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 45 67 4e 7a 59 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6c 41 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 6b 45 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 6a 4d 67 4e 6a 4d 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 6a 51 67 4e 6a 51 67 4e 6c 41 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 6a 59 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6b 51 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6c 55 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 6c 55 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 59 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6b 45 67 4e 6c 4d 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6c 55 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 7a 41 67 4d 6c 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 45 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 7a 41 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 51 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 7a 55 67 4e 6c 41 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 7a 59 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 45 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 7a 55 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 6a 67 67 4e 6a 67 67 4e 6a 59 67 4e 7a 4d 67 4e 6a 59 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 6c 55 67 4e 6a 51 67 4e 6a 6b 67 4e 6a 59 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6b 59 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6c 41 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 55 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6b 51 67 4e 6a 49 67 4e 7a 51 67 4e 7a 51 67 4e 7a 59 67 4d 6c 51 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 44 67 67 4e 54 4d 67 4e 44 49 67 4e 44 45 67 4e 45 45 67 4e 44 59 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 44 55 67 4e 46 41 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 54 55 67 4e 54 59 67 4e 54 55 67 4e 54 55 67 4e 54 41 3d

    can someone help me to decrypt it
    • Kevin,
      Looks to me like it's some kind of hex data(read more [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal) ), and by decoding it with a hex decoder you get a probably base64-encoded string(

      ) which could be base64 decoded into some data that does not make sense:
      50 73 62 20 71 76 70 6P 20 73 6A 62 63 63 73 62 64 64 6P 62 73 66 20 6D 62 20 6U 70 6F 6U 62 20 66 20 6A 6S 20 6F 70 6U 6F 70 2R 20 71 66 73 70 20 64 70 6F 75 6P 6F 76 62 20 62 20 71 73 70 75 66 68 68 66 73 66 20 62 6U 64 69 66 20 6F 70 6P 20 65 62 20 6D 62 74 74 76 2T 20 48 53 42 41 4A 46 20 45 4P 20 55 56 55 55 50

      I'm not sure what this result means. It looks like hex data but you can find a '6P' in it, something that should never exist in such. But...that's as far as I can get, so hope this helps
      • Hey,
        i converted the hex to octal bc of a brain click and the more in-depth process gave me this

        (;29>80;0233;24402;602080026000800896;8480=00>229;8=6886;6204860805202<<>(+"! &% -.--(
      • hey,
        wait hang on a sec...let me go
        google something...
      • hey,
        Ok,so this looks to be(according to
        google) made in a base30 charset,
        the charset of base30 is [0-9,A-U],
        but,bc of the converters i have to
        use, i'll have to do the values 1-by-
        1,bc it usually reads them as a large
        chunk of data,but at the same time
        though,it makes sense why they're
        read that way,anyways,brb
  • Hasmukh,

    Bi↑♦"-�0L�i,⌂↕�♥Bف��=☼▲�i怲����B�►♦↨�¶↑�����3fyޕ�↕h*��50�4☻ RV3��@�B♫ �2��"G1�cv�3��m↓♫☺¶♀3FxқW�∟��"�-MDS►L��☺R�♠�0Xi��\�5׀���☻)�č��T8J�΁�↨M�b§z↕M�l��h�DP��►��tF���%E)śD♥��☻Ay�_I��.▬�-9;#-��Ƞ�S�˖�wxDu♠�Q����      ☼�r
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    can someone help me to decrypt it
    • lnfel,
      That is not a base64 string, that is a raw binary output.
    This is so amazing...
    Simply an array of 0s and 1s can be something incredible.
    Hail nature and human evolution together, whispering.
    • hey,
      thats what us humans do,evolve and
      create something incredibly complex.
  • jmr,
    Hello, can you pass an example code of how to convert Base64 to audio in java?

  • Glitchydotexe,
    I tried to encode an entire YouTube song into Base64 and then I decoded it, after downloading the thing at the bottom that said "Download audio.html", I opened it and it was the entire screen, but it was written in German for some reason.
    • Hey,
      That bug idk why it happens,also,youll need to use this site for download now,damn yt and there need to make ppl flock to them for revenue and data publicizing >:(
      • Hey,
  • Unknown,
    i cant decode this code:

  • juan,
    Good day!

    My question is, do you know why when in an html file that generates audio if I download it to my PC but when I want to hear it it tells me
    that the video did not find a video that has a compatible format and mime type.

    apart when I open the audio file with any explorer it tells me this error code 0xC00D3E84

    And if I can listen to it there, everything is fine, the problem is that the downloaded file cannot be heard, but it does have weight, that is, kilobits, it is not empty or it indicates zero
    • Hey,
      Ah that would be the file ending!,simply rename it to mp3/wav/flac on the right side of the dot,if this dosent work,we'll need more context to where the file was gotten from
      • Hey,
        Oh boy...theres not that much info on this error code here,other than its original 0xC00D3E84 unfortunately...the only thing that is there "The media stream cannot process any more samples because there are no more samples in the stream" for your error code


        Only thing that had a talk about this...and oc...13 yrs ago...

        I peraonally understand that they can't have ppl stealing their infrastructure from them(the P.G'n.Ls they use are not offically released[other than their kernel being coded in C) yet there are PLENTY!! of other websites(compilers,etc.)
        That have all of said P.G'n.Ls they use in visible display for coders to go & use,besides microsoft...hackers already found out how to infect pc's and laptops(idk about the phone but f that shit,obviously not secure) without knowing your code infrastructure...so why try keeping secrets when you cant?
        • Hey,
          besides,ppl who rlly want to do stupid shit are able to open and find all of the code in your systems microsoft...you just cant. Hide. Code like that.! The only way that'd happen is if your c'ng.l was used for you only!(as well as redesigned so it only works in that environment,and your infrastructure was made to prevent code from running without crashing/freezing the system/display,only way it'd work)
  • YtConverter,
    Absolutely the best YouTube converter I've ever used! It's fast, user-friendly. I love being able to download my favorite music.Highly recommend it!
  • nqhXncMU,
    -1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • nqhXncMU,
    8mIKOTk2'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • nqhXncMU,
    9Oq4Nqty'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • nqhXncMU,
    -1 OR 2+635-635-1=0+0+0+1
  • gBqsPxAZ,
  • gBqsPxAZ,
    -5) OR 83=(SELECT 83 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • ncMUFCMU,
    -1' OR 3+791-791-1=0+0+0+1 --
  • ncMUFCMU,
    kloCZwxg' OR 735=(SELECT 735 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • ncMUFCMU,
    -1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • ncMUFCMU,
  • Vivek,
    How do iconvert t he audio content i get from postman via google text to speech into base64 and later base64 into a flac or a wav file . explain it to me because i cannot understand and my research shows either to use c++ or python with a random library
  • noboday,
    thanks bro , your tool helps a lot XD
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