A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

URL to Base64

This online converter encodes the contents of remote file or webpage to Base64 (that is, it automatically downloads the remote data and convert it to Base64). To use it, just type or paste the URL and press “Encode URL to Base64” (make sure that the URL is publicly available). If you need more features, for better customization check the Base64 encoder. Please do not confuse this converter with the Base64URL Encode.

How to convert URL to Base64

  1. Type or paste paste the URL-address
  2. Press the “Encode URL to Base64” button.
  3. Download or copy the result from the “Base64” field.
Comments (21)

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  • ashleedawg,
    It would be helpful if this handy tool would also show the before/after size of the image, in bytes, perhaps also with "% size increase"
    • Administrator,
      Hello! Thank you for your idea. Are you sure this is useful given that the output size is always 33% larger than input?
  • Rajesh,
    How is that getting converted. I tried with the url and it is getting converted to base64 . Can you example me what is exactly happening. It will be awesome if you suggest me some plugin to it.

    thank you.
    • Administrator,
      Hello Rajesh,
      There is no magic. It just downloads the file from remote server and encodes it to Base64.
  • Erik,
    Hello, is it possible to do this with a sql server? I want to send html emails with different images, depends on a parameter. before email should be send, the url with the image should be enoced in base64... do you know a solution?
  • Marco,
    Can I call this via webapi? and how?
  • dana,
    I'm trying to convert an audio file and idk what to do
  • Dimostenis_V,
    Hi do you offer an api for this service? im really looking for one and i can find anywhere Thank you in advance
  • adimar,
    i want to know how to write code that does this. please i really need some help.
  • Adam,
    Could you add a "Download Base64 Encoded file of URL" (or something similar) button that directly downloads a "<filename.ext>.b64" file without having to write it into the Base64 result UI textbox?

    [UPDATED: ]
    Sometimes for large files, the result box takes a long time to get populated, and is truncated.
  • Mansa,

    Please I am currently in a process, I migrated some base64 image files from an SQL table to azure blob storage using power automate,I am suppose to take the output(Url) of each base 64 files and update them back in another table.But at the moment, I cant view the files using the url returned for each base 64 file.

    see sample of url below

  • Sunil,
    Do you have javascript function that can be used to convert URL into Base64 or any API that is available to use?
  • john,
    Encode URL to Base64
  • tomy,
    cool! html code
  • nqhXncMU,
  • nqhXncMU,
  • nqhXncMU,
    2l6y3Vrg' OR 261=(SELECT 261 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • Clint,
    Angiologia Rokas Georgios - Γεώργιος Ι. Ρόκας Αγγειολόγος - Αγγειοχειρουργός
    Αγγειακή & Ενδαγγειακή Χειρουργική
    Leof. Kifisias 2 Marousi 151 25 Athens
    +302160011006 - +306937 305757
  • G3000,
  • JCfUZQsq,
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